What Lies Beneath

Astonishingly it's been 15 months since Inésita surfaced. Yet as I get dressed every morning and open her wardrobe door, there are twinges of regret that I am not her more often. With a sigh of resignation, I content myself with lace or string undies made for men. I still love my kink, just I don't have much time for cross-dressing nowadays. What could possibly consign Inésita to the wardrobe? 

The short answer is she's been busy doing other things, chief among these, writing a book about her grandmother’s world. A world which provided the inspiration for this website, not to mention served as the source for its template and design. The book is nearing the halfway point and a little more detail can be found here.

Inésita also spent the last weeks porting her website to a new server and last year married a wonderful female who goes a long way to satiating her need for those feminine things she adores; lace, high heels, great perfume and French nails. Not surprisingly, there's less time and less urge for my alter-ego to come out and play.

That’s not to say I don’t miss her. The creative drive is never far away and sight of a fetching piece of clothing or a vertiginous pair of heels in a store window still has me in a quandary, torn between ‘buy now’ and ‘there’s no space left in the wardrobe.’

As many transgender people have said, being a cross-dresser is like being on a train whose destination is the opposite sex. Sometimes it hurtles, sometimes it plods. Sometimes you are on it, and sometimes you get off. I guess for now I'm on a stop train taking in the sights beyond the stations. But as my wife pointed out to me recently, before I met her I was most certainly on the way to Venus. That said, if my train (or should that be rocket ship?) has stopped, the question we are wondering is, for how long?

(May 2013)